Thursday, December 2, 2010


·         Act 1 Scene 1
·         Act 1 Scene 2
·         Act 1 Scene 3
·         Act 1 Scene 4
·         Act 1 Scene 5
·         Act 2 Scene 1
·         Act 2 Scene 2
·         Act 2 Scene 3
·         Act 2 Scene 4
·         Act 2 Scene 5
·         I-Ivana
·         K-Katya
·         S- Szilard
·         N- Nikolas
·         V- villagers
·        ()1/2- 1 signifies the characters will start in that area and 2 means they will move across the stage to get to a new location
Blocking for first act

Blocking for second act

Rehearsal Plan

Scene Numer and Name
·         Act 1-Scene 1 “Mamma I’m leaving”
·         Act 1-Scene 2 “I cannot let her go/mysterious phone call”
·         Act 1-Scene 3 “Gossip in the town square”
·         Act 1-Scene 4 “A midnight meeting in the dark alley”
·         Act 1-Scene 5 “We have a plan/you can’t make me stay/kidnapping”
·         Act 2-Scene 1 “Look you good for nothing, father has gotten you a bride”
·         Act 2-Scene 2 “The first time Nikolai sees a woman”
·         Act 2-Scene 3 “I haven’t seen my daughter in two weeks”
·         Act 2-Scene 4 “The wedding”
·         Act 3-Scene 5 “You’ll never see her again/what have I done?”
Rehearsals will take place from Monday to Saturday for 4 hours each day 

-Read through Act 1
-have initial talks with set, costumes and lights and sounds

-Read through Act 2
-Read through of entire play (if not then as much as possible)
-see where set, costumes lights and sound are, give them feedback on their initial ideas
-Block Act 1 Scene 1
-Block Act 1 Scene 2
-Block Act 1 Scene 3
-Block Act 1 Scene 4
-Block Act 1 Scene 5
-Finalize all designs with set, costumes, lights and sound
-Block Act 2 Scene 1
-Block Act 2 Scene 2
-Come up with posters and program layouts
-Block Act 2 Scene 3
-Block Act 2 Scenes 4 & 5
-Run entire Act 1
-Lines should be memorized
-Run entire Act 1
-Costumes and props due
-Run entire Act 2
-Lights and sounds due
-Run entire Act 2
-programs and poster designs due

-Run entire show
-Dress rehearsal (only with costumes and set)
-Set due
-Full technical rehearsal (working in lights and sound
-Time to work on problematic scenes
-time to work on problematic scenes
-Full dress rehearsal
-Full dress rehearsal
-Full dress rehearsal
-Day for final touches and polishing of problematic scenes
-Full dress rehearsal
-Full dress rehearsal
Final Show
Final Show
Final Show


·         Ivana
o   should be a female who looks young enough to play a 16-18 year old
o   Should have a sort of innocent look
o   Should be very pretty
o   Should be able to portray a childish ignorance
·         Katya
o   Should be a female who looks around 40-45
o   Should have a refined mature look
o   has to be able to capture the desperation and fear the character possesses
·         Szilard
o   Should be a male who looks around 55-60
o   Should be very stern
o   Should have a sort of feeble frame but at the same time should have a strong intimidating presence
o   Should be able to capture the cruelty of the character
·         Nikolas
o   Should be a male who looks young enough to be a 18-20
o   Should be able to be very expressive without the use of words
o   Should be able to  express the combination of fear, anger and frustration that the character possesses
o   Should have a very innocent boyish look with the ability to switch to something psychotic.

Lights and Sound

·         Very dim lighting all throughout
·         Yellowish light
·         Lights will always focus on whichever section of the stage the actors are in, the rest will remain as dark as possible
·         Light in the morgue will be white brighter than before but still fairly dim
·          Smoke machines used to create fog when above ground and the coldness from the freezers in the morgue
·         Preshow and post show music to be dark and eerie.
o   Very slow
o   Instrumental
·         The occasional instrumental songs during scenes to increase tension

Costumes and Props

·         Ivana
o   Simple
o   Milkmaid type
o   Flowing dress
o   Innocent look
o   Whites, light blues
·         Katya
o   Blacks, grays, browns
o   Covered up
o   Lots of layers
·         Szilard
o   Black suite
o   Black top hat
o   Black cloak
o   cane
·         Nikolas
o   Almost like he’s wearing a sack
o   Brown (stained white)
o   Nightgown type thing
·         Locals
o   Farmers outfits
o   Simple dresses
o   Dark colored
o   Hints of white
·         Props
o   Needles, balls of yarn sewing kits
o   Operating tools
o   Farming tools
o   Mannequins
Ivana type costume, should be lighter, more white

Undertakers costume

Another idea for the undertaker

Type of thing Nikolas would wear, more torn, possibly white but stianed brown

Type of thing the villagers would wear as well as Katya. Katya should be wearing more black

Another idea for the villagers

Scenic Design

·         Town square
o   Everything dark
o   Cobble stones
o   Stone houses
o   Street lamps
o   Curtains shut in windows
·         Mortuary (top level)
o   Dark wood
o   Coffins
o   Dimly lit
·          Morgue (bottom level)
o   Very silver/chrome
o   Everything sterile
o   Lots of tools
o   Chrome operating tables
o   Nikolas’ room is plain except for a small mattress in the corner
·         Ivana and Katya’s house
o   Dimly lit
o   Dull couches
o   Two small beds

Type of street lamp, one at the very end of the alley

Type of stone house, without signs or flowers, very gloomy dark stone
Ivana and Katya's house, darker, smaller
Type of coffin at the undertakers
Morgue, should be darker, less modern looking

Type of Theater and Ground Plan

The theater should be a proscenium type theater where the audience faces the stage. In the first act the stage will be of the town and all its houses, in the second the stage will consist of the basement of the mortuary
The ground plan for the first act

Ground plan for the second act