Thursday, December 2, 2010


·         Ivana
o   should be a female who looks young enough to play a 16-18 year old
o   Should have a sort of innocent look
o   Should be very pretty
o   Should be able to portray a childish ignorance
·         Katya
o   Should be a female who looks around 40-45
o   Should have a refined mature look
o   has to be able to capture the desperation and fear the character possesses
·         Szilard
o   Should be a male who looks around 55-60
o   Should be very stern
o   Should have a sort of feeble frame but at the same time should have a strong intimidating presence
o   Should be able to capture the cruelty of the character
·         Nikolas
o   Should be a male who looks young enough to be a 18-20
o   Should be able to be very expressive without the use of words
o   Should be able to  express the combination of fear, anger and frustration that the character possesses
o   Should have a very innocent boyish look with the ability to switch to something psychotic.

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