Thursday, December 2, 2010

Costumes and Props

·         Ivana
o   Simple
o   Milkmaid type
o   Flowing dress
o   Innocent look
o   Whites, light blues
·         Katya
o   Blacks, grays, browns
o   Covered up
o   Lots of layers
·         Szilard
o   Black suite
o   Black top hat
o   Black cloak
o   cane
·         Nikolas
o   Almost like he’s wearing a sack
o   Brown (stained white)
o   Nightgown type thing
·         Locals
o   Farmers outfits
o   Simple dresses
o   Dark colored
o   Hints of white
·         Props
o   Needles, balls of yarn sewing kits
o   Operating tools
o   Farming tools
o   Mannequins
Ivana type costume, should be lighter, more white

Undertakers costume

Another idea for the undertaker

Type of thing Nikolas would wear, more torn, possibly white but stianed brown

Type of thing the villagers would wear as well as Katya. Katya should be wearing more black

Another idea for the villagers

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